(Adnkronos) - “Crediamo sia importante investire nella salute dei bambini, è un loro dritto avere accesso a un cibo di qualità. Stiamo lavorando insieme a Plasmon sulla tracciabilità dei prodotti affinché nella fascia da 0 a 3 anni ci siano prodotti 100% italiani.” Ha dichiarato il responsabile Area Economica di Coldiretti Roma, Alessandro Apolito, a margine della conferenza stampa in Senato “Da buone pratiche regionali a linee guida nazionali sull’alimentazione dei bambini negli asili nido” su iniziativa del Vice Presidente del Senato della Repubblica Gian Marco Centinaio.
00:00We support this initiative because we believe that it is important to invest in the health of our children.
00:11From this point of view, we believe that it is their right to have access to quality food,
00:17and so we are working on the traceability of the products together with Plasmon,
00:22so that even in the range from 0 to 3 years there are 100% Italian products,
00:27so that the farmers are involved in a very important job,
00:30because we know how strict the rules for the health of children are,
00:35and on the other hand to give value to those who transform Italy into products of a completely Italian line.
00:42This is why Coldiretti is here, and this is why Coldiretti will continue to work with farmers,
00:47but also with transformers who really know how to enhance Made in Italy.