Food Processing Dermaplast In HD Wide Screen

  • 15 years ago
Episode #Fifteen of "Can It Food Process?" Staring the Shandar 3000 [1.2 version] Processing Bot now with a Wolfgang Puck Pro Commercial Food Processor unit complete with a powerful 800 watt induction drive motor.

Today we will be food processing a full brand new can of Dermaplast. The recipe calls for full cup of can of premium aged dermaplast. We will pour the ingredients into the Shandar 3000 and let process until fully exploded all the way where the ingredients are splattered in the food processor. Next we pour the processed ingredients into the frying pan with a olive oil & butter to let oxidize for thirty minutes. We will want the recipe to char well done and turn twenty times with a spatula. We will then barbecue on the frying pan for another fifteen minutes and cool the dish down! The end result will "Charcanned"
So scrumptious your big toe will take a bite of it! Your host the dOvemaster is your master food processing Chef. He knows all the best recipes & that food processing food is for total retards.


