BRT recommends AOX

  • 14 years ago
Daniel Wong from BRT recommends his patients who are suffering from cancer, eczema, gastric and skin problems to drink AOX water. AOX strong antioxidant fights Free Radicals and restores the blood cells within 20 minutes after drinking a cup of AOX. AOX alkaline water helps to flush out acidic waste and restores body pH. AOX is an endorsed brand of Antioxidant Alkaline Water dispenser by Dr. Eddy Bettermann from Germany and Dr Raymond Yuen from Singapore. For more info on AOX, please visit AOX is available through Healthway Medical Centres, Silver Cross Medical Centres and Hosanna Medical Centre in Singapore. Please all +65-6743 4321 or for more information. Drink AOX, the easy way to better health. Please call 9380 3134 for Daniel Wong BRT.
