Stephen recovers from urinary hesitancy after 2 weeks of drinking AOX water

  • 12 years ago
Urinary hesitancy affects people of all ages and occurs in both sexes. However, it is most common in older men with an enlarged prostate gland.
Almost all older men have some trouble with:
• Dribbling
• Starting urination
• Weaker urine stream
Home Care
• Monitor, record, and report your urination patterns to your doctor.
• Apply heat to your lower abdomen (below your belly button and above the pubic bone). This is where the bladder sits. The heat relaxes muscles and aids urination.
• Massage or place light pressure over your bladder to stimulate emptying.
• Drink plenty of AOX water.
• For infections, you will need antibiotics from your doctor. Symptoms of a possible infection include burning or pain with urination, frequent urination, cloudy urine, and a sense of urgency (strong, sudden urge to urinate).
