Over 100 buried in southwest China landslide

  • 14 years ago

More than 100 people from 38 different families have been buried in a landslide triggered by heavy rainfall in China's southwest Guizhou province.

According to Chinese state media, CCTV, half a mountain was seen to dissapear in several minutes.

Rescue workers were rushed by the local government to Guanling county in the landlocked province after the landslide trapped around 107 people from two villages. But their work was hindered by the persistent rainfall.

The Guanling county has been plagued with extreme weather conditions since Sunday evening and until now the precipitation has been over 200 mm.

CCTV say that the exact number of casualties remains unknown.

Heavy rains and devastating floods have battered south China in recent weeks, causing many geological disasters and, so far, leaving nearly 400 people dead.


