Marathon man attempts 100 in 100 days

  • 14 years ago

A former solider is attempting to run an extraordinary 100 marathons in 100 days, smashing the current world record.

Mike Buss served with the British Army for ten years, where he qualified as an Army Physical Training Instructor, Jungle and Arctic Survival Instructor, Sniper and Winter Mountain Leader.

He served operationally several times in his career and it was whilst on Ops in Northern Ireland that he was standing 20ft from a car bomb that eventually left him with a medical discharge.

Left with no idea what he wanted to do outside of the army and all drive and ambition gone, Mike found himself in London and eventually homeless, living rough on the streets.

Running helped turn his life around and since then he has broken over 20 world records, including the longest spin bike marathon which lasted for 96 hours.

His current task of completing 100 marathons in 100 days sees him running all around the country on treadmills as he raises money for Help For Heroes.

To support Mike on his quest you can make a donation at
