Giant Christmas cake baked

  • 14 years ago

More than 80 bakers and pastry chefs of the Trade Protection Society of Dresden Stollen have celebrate the city's most famous cake - the Christmas stollen.

The bakers took five hours to finish the raisin, rum- filled treat which was unveiled at the city's Striezelmarkt, one of Germany's oldest documented Christmas markets.

The stollen, which was brought through the square on a horse-pulled carriage, is said to be the biggest in the world and weighing in at three tonnes no one was likely to go hungry.

The cake's made with no less than 700kilos worth of flour, 350 kilos of butter, 120 kilos sugar and a warming 50 litres of rum.

People enjoying a slice of the cake even do so for a good cause as the money for their slice goes to charity.
