軍歌:戦友 (Comrade in Arms)

  • 13 years ago
Here's the big one. I made it more slide-show styled, rather than an actual video given the deep, emotional and slow nature of the song. The whole song is comprised of 14 verses. This is a shortened version, which only includes the first 6.

This is the most important and well-known of all the Gunka songs. It's probably not an understatement to stay that every Japanese soldier, and perhaps every Japanese back at home, knew this song. Its the main Japanese soldier song, par excellence, of WW2.
Originally written in 1905, a product of the Russo-Japanese war, the song was revived during the period of war hysteria in the 1930s, amid the first pushes into China. It was sung throughout the war and experienced immense popularity among civilians and soldiers alike.
To me its a sort of soldier's lament, of tragedy and bravery on the battlefield, born of a war in which many Japanese soldiers laid down their lives (i.e. the Russo-Japanese War).


