La semence dans tous ses états

  • il y a 13 ans
Les paysans n'ont plus le droit d’utiliser leur propres graines. Les hybrides F1 et les OGM deviennent la norme imposée par l'agro-industrie... L'association Kokopelli agit pour préserver et distribuer les semences anciennes et non brevetées. Mais récemment la cour européenne a encore sanctionné son travail... Sommes nous tous cobayes de ce système ? Plus d'informations sur
Contact : christophe-guyon at et
realisation.semences at hotmail.f
00:10Nature knows only of gifting its riches.
00:14Every year the plant world regales us with leaves, flowers, fruit - and seeds, which in turn become plants, bushes, trees...
00:24Mankind has always relied on this cycle of abundance to produce his food, using the seeds offered with each harvest.
00:33But not long ago this cycle has been broken! No longer has man the right to use his own, freely produced seeds.
00:37Instead the farmer is obliged to buy his seeds, and surrender his autonomy.
00:47All over Europe citizen groups are forming to demand the liberation of seed production - grass roots
00:54groups such as Longomaï, Blaugerm, and Kokopelli. They assure the trade and conservation of ancient varieties.
01:04Their aim is to block the iron-handed grip of industry upon the living, and to re-establish the right to freely use seeds in all their biodiversity.
01:16So how was it fifty years ago, in the fields, the market gardens, the back of the house vegetable gardens?
01:22From the moment the farmers had access to fertile seeds there were no complications; seeds were handed down within the family, in the villages, were traded or given...
01:36For the 16 - 20 000 years or so that humans have used agriculture, seeds have maintained their reproductive capacity
01:45and have adapted to different terrains and very specific places; always in the history of agriculture this was possible.
01:51And then for several years now, suddenly the agricultural world has been turned upside down
01:58and in the seed marketplace are available only "F-1" hybrids and copyrighted, chimeric clones.
02:04All that because of an attempt to control life itself by controlling what we put on our plates.
02:07If one is conscious of the importance of what is happening on our plates, whether one eats organic food or not, the point of departure is the same: the seed.
