‫Intelligent wars and Dark Plans to Divide the region but Syria lookouts

  • 13 years ago
According to an intelligence report:
a cell of NATO spies and agents has been detected in Damascus... The cell contains twenty five members, seventeen have been arrested... One spy fled to Dubai and three to Lebanon. Those three then fled to Emirates with the aid of a Lebanese party... At the same time, thirty CIA agents were arrested in Tehran...
As a result of an intelligent cooperation between Syrian and Iran, 42 CIA agents in several countries were detected...
The report also revealed information about Washington's plans in the Arabic World:
The American plan is based on the idea of Partitioning the Arabic region in general and the oil-states in particular...
For Syria: The goal of Washington is to divide it into three sectarian states: The first is adjacent to Israel,
the second is for minorities... The third is far away from Israel...


