Terrorists attacked a train traveling from Aleppo to Damascus

  • 13 years ago
Saturday 23:07:2011 about 03.00 AM A terrorist group targeted a train traveling from Aleppo to Damascus near "Assouda" in Homs...
The leading carriage was burnt... Other carriages were derailed and turned over onto their sides...
The train was carrying 480 passengers... The terrorists dismantled the rails which caused the accident...
Providence protected the passengers from certain death...
More info: http://www.sana.sy/eng/337​/2011/07/23/359899.htm
Some TV-Satellite stations claimed that the train was no passengers train, but it was, see this independent investigation: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.202723486450588.52557.168224529900484


