Mobile Phones – A Health Hazard for Children

  • 13 years ago

The world today is driven by technology. And the youth is at the helm of this technology revolution. This generation relies on technology as heavily as it relies on air for breath. Technology driven communication avenues such as cell phones, social networking websites, chatrooms et al have brought the world to the fingertips of the youth. And the one technology tool at the forefront, considering the frequency of its usage, is the cell phone.
The cellphone today is a lifeline for many. It is estimated that around 4.5 billion people use the cellphone worldwide. And it comes as no surprise that a huge chunk of this quantity consists of the youth. The cellphone is more of a necessity for them than a luxury. Umpteen number of surveys conducted on the youth worldwide have figured out that they consider cellphones an integral part of survival and some have even gone to the extent...


