Cautions About Cell Phone Use, Especially For Children

  • 13 years ago

Dr. Devra Davis spoke at Georgetown University Thursday about the disconnect between the data about the harmfulness of cell phone radiation and public opinion about its safety. Hence the name of her new book, Disconnect. Dr. Davis was the Founding Director of Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and has been an advocate of public health for several decades.
In her talk and her book Dr. Davis asserts that:
• Cell phone radiation damages DNA
• Long term use increases brain tumor risk, and the appearance of tumors is slow, so is as yet underestimated
• Users who start as teens have a 4 to 5 fold increase in malignant brain tumor development than those who don't start so early
• Men who use cell phones 4 or more hours per day have half the sperm counts of men who do not


