Vision Exercise That Helps Enhance Hyperopia Naturally

  • 13 years ago
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The Candle Method is one of the vision exercises that are known to provide great results for improving vision naturally. It is especially helpful for those suffering from hyperopia (farsightedness).

Hyperopia, commonly known as farsightedness, is an eye disorder preventing us from seeing clearly at close distance. According to the fifth version of the Statistics on Vision Impairment prepared by R. Leonard at the Arlene R. Gordon Research Institute "farsightedness is affecting 12,000,000 American citizens age forty and older (10%)".

Farsighted folk generally find it difficult to read or do other close-up work,eg threading a needle, without prescription glasses or contact lenses. They often have headaches or feel eyestrain and eye fatigue when performing work at close range. Various factors make a contribution to the development of hyperopia: inherited predisposition, environmental factors, eye structure and other health conditions. Without regard for the actual reason for farsightedness, the following exercise can help you reduce its symptoms and seriously enhance your visual acuity naturally.

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