Eating Dark Chocolate Has A Positive Effect On Visual Acuity

  • 13 years ago
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It might not be long till the days when folks will really ask their youngsters to eat their chocolate. A new study at the University of Reading revealed that dark chocolate that contains cocoa flavanols has a constructive effect on visual acuity and may help folks with poor vision improve their vision naturally.

Flavanols are phytonutrient compounds that are found naturally in: apples, grapes, tea, cocoa and cherries. The results of the study proved that cocoa flavanols improved visual contrast sensitivity and reduced the time required to detect motion direction. Because cocoa flavanols are known to boost blood circulation and increase blood flow, analysts think that increased visual sharpness and motion detection is due to the increased blood flow to the retina of the eye.

The study was performed among thirty healthy young adults. They were asked to eat both dark chocolate containing 720 mg cocoa flavanols and the matching amount of white chocolate. A vision exam, performed two hours later on disclosed a 13% improvement of their vision.

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