Video Marketing Realtors | Real Estate Online Marketing The Media Mama

  • 13 years ago Joelle Norwood The Media Mama Realtors you are awesome! I love that you are using video marketing on line. Here are some tips for creating great videos and increasing traffic to your site. Think of your clients and produce videos that they want to see. Keep is short, under 3 minutes, people have short attention spans. Give valuable information. This is about them not you, so make each video valuable. Then tags and title your videos to increase visibility online by uploading to YouTube. Here's how:
One of the easiest ways to get more exposure and views to your YouTube videos is by properly tagging them. Tagging is an easy thing to do but can be tricky to learn. There is a lot of trial and error. basics in this blog for you to start taking a stab at your own videos. for more info check out blog
