Networking Guru Sandra Yancey CEO "E women" talks to Joelel Norwood aka The Media Mama

  • 13 years ago Want to visibility online more leads & clients because you want to make more money....get off line, my suggestion: join a Networking Group to meet other entrepreneurs online and in person. And don’t forget your camera! This week I attended an E women networking event right here in Maryland. the featured speaker the CEO and founder of E Women Sandra Yancey. Here’s Joelle Norwood's conversation with Sandra.In this current challenging economic environment a networking group can be a great way to spread the word about your business and get new clients. Besides referrals, other benefits include friendship and a supportive environment you will receive.  Plus you won’t feel so isolated and there is education, support, and income producing opportunities. As Sandra’s says “You Cannot Do It Alone.”
