The Alternative Platform Show: Religion & Atheism in the Modern World


by xicg_1

Is religion important in peoples lives? Can we live better lives without religion? Representing the Muslim perspective was Adam Deen: Adam is a former Islam channel presenter and intellectual activist who has been working in the field of Muslim apologetics for almost a decade. He has contributed to debates on issues ranging from ethics, to religious philosophy and theology. He is a member of the Muslim Dawah Initiative its formed of members from the Muslim community with experience in public speaking, apologetics, polemics, research and community work. He is currently completing a degree in Philosophy at Birkbeck University. He runs his blog Representing the Atheist was Mr. Phillip Halper; Mr Halper was brought up as a jew, during his teenage years he left Judaism and became an Atheist He is a member of the British Humanist Association The Topic of Debate: Religion & Atheism in the Modern World (Sky Channel, UK 13th March 2009)