Can I plug in at your place?

  • il y a 12 ans
We call it « range anxiety ». You know that fear of our batteries running out before reaching the (still too rare) next charging station?...Today it is one of the main barriers to the mass adoption of electric vehicles...But what if we lifted the veil on the subject by exploring solutions?

How you ask? Well, first, let's visit a community of individuals ready to share their outlets. Then, we'll focus on « wireless recharging, » a promising solution coming in the not too distant future. So, how's that for anxiety-reduction!?

« Plugsurfing » is a community of electric vehicle drivers connecting to share not only public & commercial recharging station locations but also to offer their own private recharging outlets so you will never be stranded without battery power. The Plugsurfing application is free and indexes upto 120,000 charging stations (both public and private) in 8 different countries. In just a few clicks, a driver running low on electricity can connect, see the exact location of the closest terminals available around him with an interactive map and make an appointment with the provider.

And what if ONE DAY we no longer needed to connect for recharging our electric vehicles?
Yes, an innovative new idea has been proposed by the New Zealand society HaloIPT, a system of wireless recharging based on the principle of Inductive Power Transfer. Simply put, it's a technology similar to that used to recharge electric toothbrushes, but...BIGGER! To recharge an electric car is going to be simple and feasible, even when in USE. All you will need is a transmitter and a receiver. Emitters can be placed along roads or alone, such as in the office or at home, for example. And Like The EvaTran company ™, has started to set-up charging stations, like the Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, where vehicles can be equipped with a receiver in order to pick up energy from wireless terminals there.

