Setting Captives Free By YAH'S OWN AMIGHTYWIND MINISTRY Game Show

  • 13 years ago
Uploaded by LazarusComeForth777 on Jan 8, 2012
JESUS CHRIST/YAHUSHUA MASHIACH is setting the captives free.

The spirit of Jezebel is a spirit that has been still running rampant on this earth since the days of Elijah of Old. This spirit as you will see in this video has the agenda of John 10:10 steal, kill and destroy. For many years this spirit has chased the true Prophets and Ministers of GOD to try and put out the anointing by destroying them. Jezebel of Old killed prophets of GOD and tried to do the same to Elijah but she failed. These Jezebel , satanic infiltrators, that we see today(in this video especially) have been recruited by Pastorgeorgec to try and "put out" AMIGHTYWIND Ministries but they have failed time and time again as GOD ALMIGHTY has exposed their true intents and motives and more and more souls are being led to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH/JESUS CHRIST through this Ministry of Amightywind.
