• 6 years ago
Brief biography about Rusty:
I bought my first guitar for my 20th birthday. Had anyone told me that a few short years later I'd be standing on dumpsters, in friends basements, coffee shops, bars, and even balconies entertaining others with music I would have called them crazy. Well... maybe I could believe dumpsters, but regardless the last 5 years since I bought that guitar has been a journey I wouldn't trade for anything. Learning to sing, (kind of) play guitar, and harmonica has been a lot of fun but is nothing compared to the companionship and friends I've encountered along the way. I've fallen in love with playing music and have tried to follow one strict rule: I will play for anyone, anywhere, at anytime. This rule has lead me to playing shows from coast to coast throughout Canada in a wide assortment of venues, largely in part to the generosity of Audio/Rocketry.

I am currently in the process of recording my first full length album which will be out early 2011. In the meantime, I have a few demo recordings available at http://www.blacklabelle.me/. If you prefer to hear it live you can always send me an email at rusty@blacklabelle.me with your phone number and I'd glady leave you a voicemail song... however you may receive it at some unholy hour.



Contact sean@balconytvedmonton.com if your interested in performing.

Tune in again to get your music fix!