• 6 years ago

In Alex's own words;

'I am Alex Roots. Im 16 and I am an artist from the UK. I have been co-writing and recording my album Adrenaline Rush since I was 14 with my buddy Ryan Laubscher. A.K.A Lauby

My music is very 80s influenced, even though i was born in 1992! It has been a lot of fun learning about artists that i have been compared to, Lene Lovichshe was one crazy lady! However i grew up to the music of Queen, and heard some of Cyndi Lauper, thanks to the rents! Dont Stop Looking was hugely influenced by Queen.

After meeting everyone at Good Groove things have really got going! I have my own band who are insane at what they do! Shane Lee, Jackson Ellis and Chris Gulino. We are serious about what we do, but we also have a laugh, a bit too much as you will see in some of my videos. I have played at loads of cool venues such at the Notting Hill Arts Club, Proud Galleries, Cobden club as well as being lucky enough to support Mcfly in Wolverhampton! Calvin Harris at the 02 and loads of shows with the Sugababes which have been amaaazing and have taken me to lots of interesting places Ive never been to before including forests!

I have presented the 519 show for BBC Switch which was a crazyyy experience - Please become part of my gang Just go to in4merz.com and join the street team! They have exclusive news, and if you enter competitions you can come and see me play live and win lots of special goooodies :) I have met some lovely in4merz along the way, i love you guys!

I am loving everything at the moment especially the contact I get to have directly with people who are getting excited about my music! Having contact through my website, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Youtube in4merz is just amazing! Thank you so much for your support!

Thank you for all the emails and comments, I really appreciate it. I am glad you enjoy the music like I enjoy writing and performing it.

Roots xxx'


Tune in again tomorrow!