Text Your Ex back with Messages that Spice Up You Relationship

  • il y a 12 ans
visit http://doyoulove.info/textback and Unlock explosive passion in your relationship with just text messages
At http://doyoulove.info/textback Michael Fiore explains that men are visual creatures and women are more storytelling, "If you're a woman,you can text to your man, 'Do you remember the smile on my face last night right before you left?' It makes him think of that right away. To a woman, men would write, 'Can you imagine how good it's going to feel when I wrap my arms around you tonight?',
Michael adds, "I always tell people to be unapologetically romantic in their texts; being in love is largely a choice, and this way you can just lay your heart out there." If you're feeling a little unsure of what kind of texts to send, Michael suggests using what he calls an "appreciation text" ... "You have no idea how much I love and appreciate having you in my life, but I'm going to show you tonight ... :-)"
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