SAM LUNA (BalconyTV)

  • 5 years ago
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Videographer - Brian Levin
Sound Engineer - Nick Smith
Audio & Video production by Joe Lynch

I was born in a small town on the Navajo and Hopi reservation called Tuba City, went to school in Las Cruces New Mexico, moved back to Tuba City at the age of fifteen and then moved to Los Angeles at the age of 18.
I started this journey in the attempt to write a book about love and life and the pursuit of happiness. I realized though that at the age of twenty-one I had not lived enough life to take on such a project. So I began to travel again, along the way the things I wrote turned into poems more than anything else so I just continued writing poetry to document my path. When I got to Kenosha Wisconsin at the age of 23 I met some truly inspirational musicians that helped me begin to perform my poetry. The reaction I received encouraged me to hit the road again and share my words with as many people as possible. I returned to the midwest and finally decided to pick up the guitar and turn my words into song. I was always scared and thought I could never be as good as the musicians that I listened to every day. I realized that was the thing that holds all of us back. So in an effort to encourage others to believe in themselves I began to believe in myself. I played my first show three days after picking up the guitar and I haven't stopped since.

I am currently in the middle of a six month long tour that has taken me through California,Arizona,Colorado,New Mexico,Texas,Louisianna,Mississippi,Illinois, Wisconsin and will also lead me to Ohio,Indiana,Iowa,North and South Dakota, Oregon,Washington, Hawaii, and New York with more dates to come..

The album I am promoting is an audio sketch pad of some of the songs I have been recording for the last year. Instead of waiting to complete tracking,mixing and mastering a twelve track album I wanted to allow everyone to hear what I have been up to for the last year. I wanted to let everyone hear the process of making an album. Since I also love spending my time painting and doing art I decided to release this twenty track album entitled "Sketches of Vsal Moonwolf" for digital release. It will be available on limited release vinyl print this fall, with the release of the completed album "Travelin Man" soon to follow.

you can buy the album or donate to my tour on my website

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