Moving Speech by Ms. Muto from Fukushima: "Don't Snatch Away Our Lives!"(Sep. 19, 2011)/福島三春町・武藤類子さんスピーチ

  • 12 年前
This is a speech by Ms. Ruiko Muto at the No-Nuke Rally in Tokyo on September 19, 2011. Ms. Muto is a member of "Action Committee for Decommissioning 40-year-old Fukushima Nuke Plant." This committee was established in November 2010, before the accident.

Ms. Muto runs a coffee shop using natural energy in Miharu Town in Fukushima Prefecture.

Translation is by Ms. Emma Parker, which is posted on this blog:
You can read the full English transcription there.

(Note: translation of the first 3 lines and the final line done by tokyobrowntabby.)

Original video is at sievert311's channel:

Translation by Ms. Emma Parker and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.


