Dr. Koide's Testimony: "Nuclear Energy Is An Illusion" [Part 1/2]/小出裕章・国会証言「原子力は幻想」編(May/23/2011)

  • 12 年前
Part 2 "About Fukushima": http://dai.ly/KAIzxI

Dr. Hiroaki Koide is a research associate at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute. On May 23, 2011, he appeared as a witness to give testimony to the Administrative Oversight Committee in Japan's Upper House in the Diet.

He is in his sixties and still a research associate because he has been studying the "dangers" of nuclear energy all his career. Even before the 3.11 disaster, he had been well-known among pro-nuke people as one of their notable opponents.

But it was after 3.11 that he suddenly gained the spotlight and became quite widely known among the public, especially on the net. Some people almost worship him as a charismatic leader in the anti-nuclear world.

Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.


