Stop Monitoring "Inaccurate" Information on the Net (July 25, 2011)/福島みずほ「ネット監視をやめろ!」

  • 12 年前
This video clip is part of the Q&A at the Japanese Upper House Budget Committee on July 25, 2011.

Questioner: Ms. Mizuho Fukushima, Member of the Upper House, Leader of Social Democratic Party, former Special Minister in charge of Consumers, Food Safety, Declining Birthrate, and Gender Equality in Hatoyama Cabinet.

First answerer: Mr. Tetsuhiro Hosono, Director-General of Agency for Natural Resources and Energy at that time in Kan Cabinet.

Second answerer: Mr. Banri Kaieda, Minister of Economics and Industry at that time in Kan Cabinet.

Translation and captioning by tokyobrowntabby.


