• 12 years ago
Official episode page: http://www.outwithdad.com/watch/2-11-out-with-doubts

Rose is full of doubts. A chance encounter with Vanessa makes her even more confused. To make it an even worse day, both Nathan and Rose encounter homophobia and neither know how to deal with it.
Please note: this episode contains language that may be uncomfortable for some viewers to hear. NSFW, not suitable for work.

cast, in order of appearance:
Kate Conway as Rose
Lindsey Middleton as Vanessa
Matt Landry as Ryan Brown
Caitlynne Medrek as Claire
Gene Abella as the Teacher
Ashton Catherwood as Dave
Brendon Smith as the homophobic client
Will Conlon as Nathan
Nathan Athay as Ed
Corey Lof as Kenny
Laura Jabalee as Alicia
Lizzie Stuart-Morris, Kelsey Jenkins and Shailene Garnett as Alicia’s friends
Chandler Boriska as Britney
Carol Huska as Mackenzie
Created, Written and Directed by:
Jason Leaver