Nneka about Nigeria, hometown, experiences, communities, message to the audience, check yourself, victims of circumstances
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Video interview with Nigerian female singer Nneka. FaceCulture spoke to the hip-hop/soul artist about Nigeria, message to the audience, victims of circumstances, slaves and owners, the album No Longer At Ease, anthropology, archeology, sense of identity, Lenny Kravitz, being an inspiration, sharing talent and more. (16/04/2009)
More video's: http://www.FaceCulture.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/_FaceCulture
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Video interview with Nigerian female singer Nneka. FaceCulture spoke to the hip-hop/soul artist about Nigeria, message to the audience, victims of circumstances, slaves and owners, the album No Longer At Ease, anthropology, archeology, sense of identity, Lenny Kravitz, being an inspiration, sharing talent and more. (16/04/2009)