Ralf sorgt sich um seine Frau Marie. Sie hört nachts böse Stimmen. Geht sie auf seine Hilfeangebote ein? Lebt da etwas auf dem Dachboden, ruft Namen? Eine minimalistische Psychodramaübung.
Ralf worries about his wife’s insomnia. She hears evil voices at night. Does she accept Ralf’s help? Does something live upstairs in the attic, calling names? A minimalist psycho drama exercise.
starring: Lissa Schwerm, Oliver Gödecke.
camera: Christian Raab.
idea: Jorin Winter.
screenplay: Elke Becker.
boom operator & sound designer: Christoph Lofi.
location, catering, stills, boom assistant: Carolin Hartmann.
director, producer, editor: Dave
2nd Jury Award @ Landes-Filmfestival Herbst Berlin / Brandenburg Lauchhammer-Ost, Germany 2011
Kurzfilmfestival Oberschöneweide Berlin, 2010
U.F.O. Unbekannte Filmobjekte Leipzig, Germany 2011
Independent Days Karlsruhe, Germany 2011
Deep Fried Film Festival Coatbridge, United Kingdom 2011
OderKurz-Filmspektakel Oderaue, Germany 2011
Festival de Cine de Bogotá, Colombia 2011
Bundesspielfilmfestival Magdeburg, Germany 2012, Bronze BDFA Medal awarded
Kasseler Trashfilm Festival, Germany 2012
Film Festival Salento Finibus Terrae, Italy 2012
REC 'n' PLAY Kurzfilmfestival Innsbruck, Austria 2012
DIY Film Fest Minsk, Belarus & Warsaw, Poland 2012
Festival Rojo Sangre Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012
Ralf worries about his wife’s insomnia. She hears evil voices at night. Does she accept Ralf’s help? Does something live upstairs in the attic, calling names? A minimalist psycho drama exercise.
starring: Lissa Schwerm, Oliver Gödecke.
camera: Christian Raab.
idea: Jorin Winter.
screenplay: Elke Becker.
boom operator & sound designer: Christoph Lofi.
location, catering, stills, boom assistant: Carolin Hartmann.
director, producer, editor: Dave
2nd Jury Award @ Landes-Filmfestival Herbst Berlin / Brandenburg Lauchhammer-Ost, Germany 2011
Kurzfilmfestival Oberschöneweide Berlin, 2010
U.F.O. Unbekannte Filmobjekte Leipzig, Germany 2011
Independent Days Karlsruhe, Germany 2011
Deep Fried Film Festival Coatbridge, United Kingdom 2011
OderKurz-Filmspektakel Oderaue, Germany 2011
Festival de Cine de Bogotá, Colombia 2011
Bundesspielfilmfestival Magdeburg, Germany 2012, Bronze BDFA Medal awarded
Kasseler Trashfilm Festival, Germany 2012
Film Festival Salento Finibus Terrae, Italy 2012
REC 'n' PLAY Kurzfilmfestival Innsbruck, Austria 2012
DIY Film Fest Minsk, Belarus & Warsaw, Poland 2012
Festival Rojo Sangre Buenos Aires, Argentina 2012