To bring revolution in Pakistan, I stand behind my leader Altaf Hussain - Shumaila Imran Farooq

  • 11 years ago
Ms Shumaila Farooq, widow of Shaheed-e-Inquilab Dr Imran Farooq participated in MQM peace demonstration in London along with her children.

میرے شوہرنے ایم کیوایم کی جدوجہدمیں اپنی زندگی گزاری اوراسی جدوجہدکے دوران اپنی جان کانذرانہ پیش کیا۔شمائلہ عمران فاروق

پاکستان میں انقلاب برپا کرنے کیلئے میں اورمیراپوراخاندان کل بھی قائدتحریک الطاف حسین کے ساتھ تھا اورآج بھی ساتھ ہے

ایم کیوایم کے شہیدکنوینر شہیدانقلاب ڈاکٹرعمران فاروق کی بیوہ شمائلہ فاروق اوربچوں نے بھی مظاہرے میں شرکت کی

A peaceful demonstration was organized by the UK Chapter of Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) in the Edgware area of London for bringing peace in Pakistan and against terrorism. The demonstration was held in front of the International Secretariat of the MQM. Workers, office-bearers and supporters of the MQM hailing from different cities of UK, including Birmingham, Manchester, Sheffield, Northampton and Bradford took part in the demonstration. Ms Shumaila Farooq, widow of Dr Imran Farooq also participated along with her children.
Members of the Co-ordination Committee of the MQM Mustafa Azizabadi, Muhammad Ashfaq, Qasim Ali Raza, Tariq Jawed, Muhammad Anwer, Anis Ahmed Advocate and Tariq Mir were also present on the occasion.
Protesters were carrying Pakistani flags, the MQM flags and portraits of MQM leader Mr Altaf Hussain. They were holding play cards condemning terrorism in Karachi, and kidnappings for ransom, murders and extortion by the hardened criminals of the so-called Amn Committee.
Speaking on the occasion members of the Co-ordination Committee and the organizer of the MQM UK said that the terrorists of the Amn Committee were killing innocent people and demanding huge amounts as extortion from traders, shopkeepers and other business persons. They said that the unrestrained activities of the criminals were destroying the economy of the city and bringing a bad name to Pakistan internationally.
They urged on the Pakistani government to take on the criminal gangs without showing any leniency. Office-bearers of People Youth Organisation UK, including its president Naeem Abbasi and general secretary Riaz Kumrio also took part in the demonstration and expressed solidarity with the MQM.


