the crack in the world

  • 11 years ago
There is a Native American belief in 'the crack in the world' - the places, spaces and moments in our life when alternate realities can be seen and understood. These moments are there at all times - but we have to alter ourselves somewhat to be able to see them. Then nature is more properly understood as the super/natural - not scary ghosts - but the pwoer and beauty of raw natral experience as beyond cognitive understand but still available to be understood sensually.

I am interested in exploring these ideas and traditions using basic video and music making and free or cheap software tools to create movies that reveal our world to us as more extraordinary than we can imagine in our day-to-day lives. To remind us to go into nature often and find our natural self there.

This movie is an attempt to use just one software tool - the mirror image - to uncover the beauty and structure of the natural world by 'virtually' holding a mirror up to the world and placing it against the extraorindary music of PSP.

PSP make music spontaneously and improvisationally - with no prior agreements and little or no attention to formal musical convention. It is sometimes 'out of tune' and out of time - but this doesn't matter - if there is something truthfull being spoken in the playing. Sometimes overwhelming or , indeed, underwhelming - when it works - it works beautifully and evolves organically - just like nature itself.

I understand that the movie or the music might not be to your taste or fit any existing genre or even make complete sense - but if you give it time - watch the whole movie undistracted and in full screen mode - it does repay repeat viewings.

And I can guarantee you will not have seen anything like it before! :)

If oyu like what you see here - or even if you don't! - please leave a comment.


Pete Turner
'Fire Song'
