When Are EMFs Dangerous? (Radiation Meters)

  • 11 years ago

Smart Safe Hollow Air Tube - http://www.emfnews.org/Car-Radiation-Cell-Phones-Faraday-Cage-and-Cancer.html
Cell phone radiation protection http://www.emfnews.org/howitworkschips.html )
Mobile Phone Radiation Protection http://www.emfnews.org/home_protection.html
2.5 mG is the generally accepted limit of ELF magnetic field exposure but no one tells you that the average hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, or can opener you use EMITS AN AMAZING 300 mG or more!!!
After more than 25 years of intensive study, the health and safety conscious Swedish government has established a safety limit for exposure to ELF magnetic field at 2.5 mG, and VLF magnetic fields at only 0.25 mG. Although the U.S. government has been slower to act in establishing its own standards, the Swedish standard is generally accepted throughout the world. What this possibly means is that if someone consistently experiences exposure which exceeds the standard, that person could be at risk for developing health problems which can range from headaches, fatigue, and dizziness to skin rashes, miscarriage, leukemia, and cancer.
In fact, numerous court cases where plaintiffs claim to have been injured by EMFs are now in progress. Even though the controversy of conflicting scientific studies persists, it seems strange that cigarettes and alcohol are packaged with warnings we already know about, and the sodium, fat, and cholesterol content of foods must appear on the labels, but NO ONE TELLS YOU THAT THE AVERAGE HAIR DRYER, VACUUM CLEANER, OR CAN OPENER YOU USE EMITS AN AMAZING 300 mG OR MORE!!!

