What Can You Do About EMFs? (Radiation Meters)

  • 12 years ago

The Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of the United States recommends a policy of 'prudent avoidance' with respect to EMF. Prudent avoidance means to measure fields, determine the sources, and act to reduce exposure.

1. Detect EMFs in your home and work environment.
You have to know where the sources of EMF are in your everyday world and how strong these sources are. Is there wiring in the wall behind your bed that you don't even know about? Is the vaporizer emitting strong fields in the baby's room? How much EMF are you and your family getting from the power lines in the street? Get a meter, share it with your friends, and test the areas where you spend time.

2. Diminish your exposure to the EMFs you find.

Remember that EMFs go right through doors and walls.

Determine how far you must stay away from the EMF emitters in your home & work environment to achieve less than 2.5 mG of exposure... the microwave oven, the alarm clock, the computer, and so on.
Rearrange your furniture (especially the beds, desks, and couches where you spend the most time) away from heaters, wiring, and fluorescent lights, electric doorbells, and other EMF 'hot spots'.

Test electrical appliances before you buy with a hand held meter in the store. Know what you are buying and buy the lowest EMF emitter. Where practical, replace your electric appliances with non-electric devices.
Contact your local utility if you suspect high radiation from power lines near your home, schools, or workplace. They will come out and test. If they find high levels of EMF (ask for the report!) they may be required to re-route the power lines, move them higher, or bury them.

Turn off, don't use, or throw out electrical appliances that you can do without!

