• 6 years ago
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Ramblin' Bones is retro, it new, it is the strange man next door, wearing that afro-hawiian shirt and his hawaiin wife who digs afro soul.

Renowned cult magazine "Extreme Ice Cream Van Racing Almanac - 2012 Edition" gave the latest album "Ramblin' Bones & His Bloody Agents" a 5 out 5 soft serves, (with flakey's), rating. "This album has all the flavours you looking for & is gauranteed to satisfy. There is even some sorbet & frozen yoghurt!"

Nostalgic modernists, disillusioned illusionists & recovering workaholics, all play a bit of Rambling Bones at some point of the day.

Jay started the band and wanted to play solo. It got lonely. He found a band of equally misfit brothers & sisters. People with an itch.

Jay has been seen yodelin' and playing guitar for Fuzigish, a band that was once compared to a angry & melodic goat, called Gandor, that has been seen driving small clown cars.

Angie claims to play guitar and sings for an tank-girl garage band called Japan & I. Since all the venues closed down and Jay has become a hermit, these claims have yet to be confirmed.


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