Feb 5 has come to be only ceremonial: Dr Aamir (‘Aalam aur Aalim’)
Expresses solidarity with Kashmir brethren
KARACHI: While expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren on Kashmir Day (February 5), renowned world broadcaster and research scholar Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain said that February 5 has become just a holiday as nobody takes notice of the atrocities perpetrated on the innocent Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir by the Indian forces.
Dr Aamir Liaquat said that we observe Kashmir Day and talk about patriotism but do not think above the linguistic and regional prejudices.
He expressed these views during Geo’s popular and instructive programme ‘Aalam aur Aalim’ which was participated by the eminent religious scholars who also gave their views on different topics.
Allama Khokab Noorani Okarvi and former Director Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre University Karachi Dr Fazal Ahmad participated in the programme and gave reply to the questions of the viewers on different topics including sects.
While replying a question in connection with implementation of simple principles of Islam asked by the host, Allama Khokab Noorani said the Islam is simple but our mala fide intentions and wrong nature have made this religion difficult. He said that God has Himself chosen this religion for us .The choice of God is superior to all.
In this regard Dr Fazal said that this ‘Deen’ is the name of welfare and good intentions and if the love is true then every deed will become easy. He said that this religion would be made easy by following the sacred character and teachings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).
While answering a question from a viewer on telephone these Ulema said that things we possess are for benefit of others and love for humanity, but unfortunately we love materialistic things and exploit people. They said that disappointment from the blessings of Allah is the worst of sins and one commits the most despicable act of suicide in extreme desperation and due to this the doors of blessings are closed for him.
In the programme Dr Aamir announced the names of three lucky persons who had won mobile phones by giving correct answers about the history of Islam.
Learned religious scholars greeted Geo Network for providing sweet material for the pleasure of people through this transmission. Dr Aamir paid tributes to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the end of the programme.
Aalam Aur Aalim Ep #2, 5th Feb 2013, Dr. Aamir Liaquat Husain
For more detail news and videos visit official website of Dr. Aamir Liaquat www.aamirliaquat.com, Follow on Twitter: @aamirliaquat
Expresses solidarity with Kashmir brethren
KARACHI: While expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren on Kashmir Day (February 5), renowned world broadcaster and research scholar Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain said that February 5 has become just a holiday as nobody takes notice of the atrocities perpetrated on the innocent Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir by the Indian forces.
Dr Aamir Liaquat said that we observe Kashmir Day and talk about patriotism but do not think above the linguistic and regional prejudices.
He expressed these views during Geo’s popular and instructive programme ‘Aalam aur Aalim’ which was participated by the eminent religious scholars who also gave their views on different topics.
Allama Khokab Noorani Okarvi and former Director Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre University Karachi Dr Fazal Ahmad participated in the programme and gave reply to the questions of the viewers on different topics including sects.
While replying a question in connection with implementation of simple principles of Islam asked by the host, Allama Khokab Noorani said the Islam is simple but our mala fide intentions and wrong nature have made this religion difficult. He said that God has Himself chosen this religion for us .The choice of God is superior to all.
In this regard Dr Fazal said that this ‘Deen’ is the name of welfare and good intentions and if the love is true then every deed will become easy. He said that this religion would be made easy by following the sacred character and teachings of the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him).
While answering a question from a viewer on telephone these Ulema said that things we possess are for benefit of others and love for humanity, but unfortunately we love materialistic things and exploit people. They said that disappointment from the blessings of Allah is the worst of sins and one commits the most despicable act of suicide in extreme desperation and due to this the doors of blessings are closed for him.
In the programme Dr Aamir announced the names of three lucky persons who had won mobile phones by giving correct answers about the history of Islam.
Learned religious scholars greeted Geo Network for providing sweet material for the pleasure of people through this transmission. Dr Aamir paid tributes to the Holy Prophet (PBUH) at the end of the programme.
Aalam Aur Aalim Ep #2, 5th Feb 2013, Dr. Aamir Liaquat Husain
For more detail news and videos visit official website of Dr. Aamir Liaquat www.aamirliaquat.com, Follow on Twitter: @aamirliaquat