• 11 years ago
SovereignBeing 2 years ago
so are they alive or dead?

WolfgangPuckerup 2 years ago
Alive. Shot at but alive.

Tell me sher, are you going to be in on the new Hoax of Brian and Janelle in the making trying to look like the 2 witnesses once again being shot with the first hoax and coming back to life, No bullet wounds. are you going to be in on this new one their trying to cook up too? Last one she admitted in comments she was in on the shot thing and had prior knowledge of that vid (BRIAN & JANELLE GOLIGHTLY MARSHALL SHOT)

Sherrie Lea
Stop lying all I admitted was finding out before you but I was told before hand why certain things needed to be done and its EXACTLY how I do my stuff. I wont reveal more than that because it comes from past 5 senses you were enslaved to only believe in. My last comment to you. Whoever believes you. Deserves you and I'm not going to save retards ANY more. EVER.

there you go again trying to sidestep the facts, you always do this. Your Crediblity is Zero. So you were told before hand how brian and janelle were going to scam the people into believing they got shot. Way to go sherrie lol

Uploaded on Jul 22, 2010

Breaking News Australiantv.
I am deeply sorry to all who are, or will be concerned regarding Brian Leonard Golightly Marshall. I have been told information that I, myself, have not yet verified.
I sincerely do not know more than is posted here and cannot answer personal emails.
Will update you all as soon as possible. Godspeed.
They are being called cult leaders by the controlled media.
