Yo Viajando TV
Este Canal tiene como objetivo proyectar y difundir, los paisajes, los bosques, las cascadas, ríos, lagunas lagos, playas, las zonas arqueológicas y semidesérticas, montañas, clima, flora y fauna. Además de coadyuvar a la reactivación del sector turístico y promover las ciudades, pueblos y comunidades que integran las huastecas: Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Querétaro y Puebla y aprovechar toda esta vasta oferta turística que nos ofrecen estas entidades huastecas: Destinos llenos de cultura, Folklor, de sabores únicos en su gastronomía y el reflejo vívido de su gente, sin lugar a dudas gran elemento que marca la diferencia. Posteriormente iremos recorriendo la republica en todas sus regiones. Bienvenidos a Yo Viajando TV
This Channel aims to project and disseminate landscapes, forests, waterfalls, rivers, lagoons, beaches, archaeological and semi-desert areas, mountains, climate, flora and fauna. In addition to contributing to the reactivation of the tourism sector and promoting the cities, towns and communities that make up the Huasteca: Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Querétaro and Puebla and taking advantage of all this vast tourist offer that these Huasteca entities offer us: Destinations full of culture, Folklore, unique flavors in its gastronomy and the vivid reflection of its people, without a doubt, a great element that makes the difference. Later we will go touring the republic in all its regions. Welcome to Yo Traveling TV
This Channel aims to project and disseminate landscapes, forests, waterfalls, rivers, lagoons, beaches, archaeological and semi-desert areas, mountains, climate, flora and fauna. In addition to contributing to the reactivation of the tourism sector and promoting the cities, towns and communities that make up the Huasteca: Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo, Querétaro and Puebla and taking advantage of all this vast tourist offer that these Huasteca entities offer us: Destinations full of culture, Folklore, unique flavors in its gastronomy and the vivid reflection of its people, without a doubt, a great element that makes the difference. Later we will go touring the republic in all its regions. Welcome to Yo Traveling TV
hace 3 años