Ustad Zafar Iqbal Marifat Sufi Band

The Sufi band Marifat was established in 2007 by Dr. Muhammad Zafar Iqbal (Ex Head of Musicology Department NCA, Lahore, Pakistan).. The members of the band are highly skilled musicians who have been performing for the last 10 to 20 years independently before joining the Band. The idea to establish this band is to spread the message of peace, love and harmony across the world. Love, peace and harmony are the essence of sufi’s preaching in Islam. Sufis projected the soft image of Islam and that is why people from every walk of life used to come to become a part of their company. Sufis treated the people without any discrimination of race, language and religion to establish the interfaith harmony. This principle of inter-faith harmony is the very foundation of our band consisting both Muslims and Christian members. The amalgamation of traditional folk and classical music with Sufi poetry gives this band a unique identity.
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