

207 following
In four years time, GZ has produced over 400 original game videos for global webcast. Official Dailymotion Partner status and a rapidly expanding fan base have pushed GameZombie’s global view count over 10,000,000. After winning the Webby Honoree Award for Online Video in 2008 and 2009, GZ became one of the only companies that has ever won four straight Webbys by winning both the People's Voice and the Webby Award for Online Video in 2010.

GZ's world exclusive video interview series--more than 200 to date--features some of the biggest names in the business, including Peter Molyneux of Fable 3, Ed Boon of Mortal Kombat, and Cliff Bleszinski of Gears of War 3. In the summer of 2011, GameZombie is proud to produce an exclusive E3 video series for Dailymotion.

Credentialed Gaming Conference Coverage Includes:
GDC 07, GDC 08, GDC 09, GDC 10, GDC 11, Austin GDC 07, PAX 08, PAX 09, PAX 10, PAX 11, PAX East 11, Showdown LAN 08, E3 08, E3 09, E3 10, E3 11, GenCon 08, GenCon 09, WSVG KY 07, CES 2010, CES 2011

Selected Web Awards:
2010 Webby Award
2010 People’s Voice Webby Award
2010 Mashable Award, Finalist – Best Web Video
2010 Davey Silver Award

Notable Series:
Ultimate Challenge
Game Developer Interviews
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago