IHES Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques
George Papanicolaou - Research Directions in Financial Mathematics - extracts
il y a 12 ans
Josselin Garnier - Sifting Noise - The Role of Probability in Imaging - extract
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IHÉS an original vision for basic research and its funding
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L'IHÉS une vision originale de la recherche fondamentale et de son financement
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Fête en l'honneur du départ de Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Directeur de l'IHÉS
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"Les harmonies à l'épreuve des dimensions"
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Modeling and Simulation for Gene Transcription (Sigeo Ihara)
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Espaces de modules et macromolécule (Mikhail Gromov)
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RNA folding with pseudoknots (Michael Bon)
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Protein Folding (Steven Smale)
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Tutorial on Moduli Spaces (Jørgen Andersen)
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New results on the combinatorics of fatgraphs (Christian Reidys)
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Golden triangle (Alexeii Finkelstein)
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Tutorial on RNA (Ebbe Andersen
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Random matrices (Piotr Sulkowski)
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New geometrical and topological features (Alexey Murzin)
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Tutorial on Proteins (Robert Penner)
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Tutorial on Proteins (Robert Penner)
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Geometrical and topological principles (Ebbe Andersen)
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Moduli space techniques (Jørgen Andersen)
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Space of all possible out comes (Robert Penner)
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"Quantum Kac-Moody algebras and categorifications" (David HERNANDEZ)
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Reflections, orthogonal and symplectic (Maxim Konsevitch)
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Mock modular forms and representation (Minoru WAKIMOTO)
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Supergravity_and_its_Hidden_Hyperbolic_Kac-Moody_Structures (Thibault DAMOUR)
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IHES Space according to, short version.
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Systèmes locaux l-adiques sur une variété sur un corps fini 6/6 Pierre Deligne
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Convex relaxation for Combinatorial Penalties (Guillaume Obozinski-Ecole des Ponts - Paristech)
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Large-scale learning with conditional gradient algorithms (Zaid Harchaoui-INRIA)
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Optimal convex optimization under Tsybakov noise through reduction to active learning (Aarti SINGH-Carnegie Mellon University)
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