• 9 years ago
Psycho-Pass is concluding it’s 2 season run with a theatrical film, but is it worth seeing on the big screen? Anna and Dave will let you know if it’s worth checking out! (Find the link for advance tickets below!)

Want to get advance tickets for the March 15th and 16th US theatrical release? Go here: http://www.funimationfilms.com/movie/psycho-pass-the-movie/

So will Psycho-Pass: The Movie leave you feeling satisfied or should you just re-watch the show? Find out what Anna and Dave thought about the film.

Are you going to see Psycho-Pass: The Movie in theaters? Have you already seen it? What did you think? Are you a fan of Psycho-Pass? Who is your favorite Psycho-Pass character? What anime shows have had the best feature length anime movies?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Anime is an increasingly popular form of entertainment throughout the world. Sometimes crazy changes are made as they are adapted for audiences in different countries. Every week tune into Anime Vice for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn't know, anime news, reviews, and much more!


