• 7 years ago
Set after Jason,trini,and zack give up there powers and go to theparis peace summit.zack is transported into space on the other side of the galaxy,and becomes a captain of the cosmic guardians,a group of aliens from different worlds dedicated to protect and defenders of the Cosmos.Once the teens,explore the ship they discover T.H.E.L.M.A. a robot sinced with the ship,and Zack discovers Ninjor,as zack and ninjor remember eachother.Ninjor tell the teens about the great threat of the Deadly army of Darkness led by Emperor Wong The Death Spirit,he tells the kids about his plan to get them to help in the fight and gives them the new powers and morphers of the cosmic defeners and using the old thunderzords they agree and fight along the side of good to defet the darkness army. for more information about the COSMIC GUARDIANS,please visit the facebook page.


