• 5 years ago
“CITIZEN OF THE WORLD” Nikolay Nikolayevich Miklouho-Maclay (17 July 1846 – 14 April 1888) was a famous traveler, ethnographer, anthropologist, and public figure.

In 1996, to celebrate his 150th anniversary, UNESCO awarded him with the title of “Citizen of the World”. Miklouho-Maclay promoted respect for the traditions and culture of the world’s peoples, as well as the principles of tolerance and non-interference. Using the example of the then poorly studied peoples of New Guinea, he was the first to prove that all the people are equal by nature and there are no superior and inferior races. His work as that of a public figure has been recognized globally. Leo Tolstoy admired the great traveler’s activity: “What attracts and fascinates me in your work is the fact that, as far as I am concerned, you are the first to have proven decisively, by experience, that a man is a man everywhere, i.e. a kind and sociable being, the relationship with whom should be provided with goodness and truth only, not with guns and vodka. And you have proven it with a feat of true courage, which is so rare in our society.”



