Bermuda Triangle : Number of Ships and Airplanes have Vanished under Paranormal Activities

  • 4 years ago
Bermuda Triangle : Number of Ships and Airplanes have Vanished under Paranormal Activities

Mystery Narrated by : Prettymokartist

It's not a Fable or a Story
It is one of the Mysterious Trending Topic in a Internet Sites
Bermuda Triangle
Has the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle been solved?
who lives down there under the Bermuda Triangle?
Is there Mermaids or Kraken may be it's Cthulhu....
Due to so many Unexplained Disappearances, it is also known as the Devil’s Triangle or a Hurricane Alley
Bermuda Triangle is a Mythical Section of the North Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Puerto Rico and Bermuda.

How much area it covers?
It's not very specific but,Some writers gave different boundaries and vertices to the triangle, total area somewhere between - 1,300,000
(One Million Three Hundred Thousand) to 3,900,000
(Three Million Nine Hundred Thousand) kilometer square
500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand) to 1,510,000 (One Million Five Hundred Ten Thousand) Square Miles.

Not a dozen of Aircrafts - where a number of Ships and Airplanes have disappeared under Paranormal Circumstances.
As of 2018, 75 plans and hundreds of ships have been officially recorded as lost in the devil's triangle
It's estimated that 1000 lives have been lost in the last 100 year's
Is this greatest marine mystery in the history
The Secret of Bermuda triangle has since been promoted in thousands of books, magazines, movies, television shows, and websites.

The first big modern disaster in the Bermuda Triangle

In 1945: 10th July Thomas Arthur Garner, along with 11 other crew members was lost at sea in a US Navy PBM3S patrol seaplane in the Bermuda Triangle.
Their last radio position report was sent at 1:16 a.m. At same day after which they were never heard from again. and were never seen again no wreckage no sign of an accident was ever found.

Then just a few months later something even stranger happened?

On December 5th 1945 five Military TBF Avenger torpedo bombers departed Fort Lauderdale Florida.
The planes were fully fueled and in good condition. Flight leader Lieutenant Charles Taylor was an experienced pilot.
On a routine training mission supports say that the planes had been checked before the mission and the weather was supposed to be pleasant also significant is the durability of the TBM Avengers they were piloting which were nick named iron birds on account of their rugged design and the propensity for holding up in battle known as flight 19.
Five TBM Avenger Torpedo Bombers carrying 14 men took off at roughly 2:10 in the afternoon that day on a routine navigational training mission.
Lieutenant Taylor became lost in the area now known as the Bermuda triangle

The first supernatural report When Christopher Columbus passed through the Bermuda Triangle on his first voyage to the new world.
Columbus who wrote in his journals about fireballs in the sky and mysterious lights over the water the sea that his compass had suddenly malfunctioning.


