• 4 years ago
So now Dan's Police Force go to new lows.
Arresting Reporters and Stopping them form doing their Job.
Monica Smit explained clearly and in front of the Camera that she had both a Workers Permit and a Doctor's letter.

The disproportionate use of Police coupled with their uncaring and disrespect of the laws they are meant to uphold is driving a strong wedge between the Victorian Police and The Community.

Dan Andrews and his "Medical Experts" are taking the political escape route of Doubling Down on disastrous mistakes and policies to save their own skins.

They can not escape the Statistical freight trains that will hit them from all angles.
Already the WHO has outwardly announced that Lock Downs to eliminate and contain Covid19 are the WRONG course of action and should ONLY be in place to insure the Medical System is not overwhelmed.

The loss of liberty and lives due to the measures that Dan Andrews is now doubling down on are now demonstrable bewond a reasonable doubt.

Let's look at the near murderous decision to continue a Ban on Outpatient treatments for COvid19 patients ; that need HCQ -a medication being withheld from Victorians indeed Australians during this "Dandemic"
Unless you consider 1 in 829 Million a reasonable doubt; it is near criminal to prevent Australians from access to HCQ to treat Covid19 at the early stages of the disease.
Watch the estimated world death count due ONLY to policies of banning HCQ around the world

Occasionally one of these preventable deaths on the Senseless Deaths Counter is an Australian Death and needs to be chalked up against a line up of responsible Politicians & Medical Experts including Dan Andrews
Associate Professor Julian Elliott

Adjunct Professor John Skerritt "having direct responsibility for both the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the Office of Drug Control"
see: https://www.tga.gov.au/prof-john-skerritt

Jan Fizzell - Medical Advisor - Population Health - NSW

Brett Sutton - VIC Chief Medical Officer

Greg Hunt - Australian Federal Minister for Health

Dr Jeannette Young - QLD Chief Medical Officer

The issue of HCQ and the ludicrous lock-downs are not unrelated. With the population kept in the dark about significantly effective early treatment fear is being used by politicians to have the people submit themselves to outrages conditions and "emergency powers".

100% of early treatment studies have found HCQ has positive results for covid patients.

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ


