2020-11-03 at 10.23.48 PM Melbourne Peaceful Protest - Dan's Police Public Opinion Plummets - Dan's Melbourne Cup Punt now at 824 Million to 1

  • 4 years ago
Today’s protest in Melbourne should be a day of shame for Victorian Police and Dan Andrews

It was a peaceful protest.
Hundreds of well-spaced protested were encircled with a ring of police that then tightened before systematic arrests were made and fines issued of $1600 for “gatherings of more than 10”

This video is from inside the ring of police – watch near the end a man “praying” then as he is arrested his Rosary beads are ripped of him and thrown to the ground.

How can a Judge make a finding that the Victorian Government is doing ANYTHING in an appropriate “proportional” way ; be it the Night Curfew or the apparent abuse of the Police Force.

More and More Victorians have never held such a low opinion of the Victorian Police.
Priot to Dans "use" of the Victorian Police they were held in high regard with great respect for the extremely difficult job they have to do “Normally” ; today shows the Victorian Police as mindless and heartless toy soldiers.

On that front the bulk of the Videos from outside the ring were taken by a Doctor that was lucky to escape the violence of Tiananmen Square when he was 14. The Doctor said during that time the army soldiers (some of them) showed some compassion for the people but in this Melbourne protest none of the Police showed any compassion.

The Feeling:
Victorian Police – your high standing with the Victorian people is taking a huge nose dive; you may still have your Jobs but you have lost our respect.

This was a Peaceful protest.
The Police were used to “make a point” not protect any people from Covid19
If there was any genuine interest to protect the people Dan Andrews would have made early outpatient treatments well known and available to the people.
Instead he defies 824 Million to 1 odds on Melbourne Cup Day
See: https://hcqmeta.com/

Please sign this petition to let Australian Doctors Prescribe HCQ
Please then post it to your facebook from the petition page


