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MAISIE is a content creator and mum of 3. She has spent over 20K on surgery and monthly upkeep. Her surgery journey started with a gastric sleeve in 2022. Prior to having any surgery Maisie weighed 19 stone and wore a size 26. She says her weight has always yoyo’d but she lost control after having twins. She was so unhappy with her weight and when she walked up the stairs her knees would crack. So she decided to get a gastric sleeve and lost 8 stones in 8 months, going from a size 26 to a size 6. She was left with a lot of excess skin after this so the following year she decided to go to Turkey to get a 'mummy makeover', which included, a full body lift, fleur de lis surgery, mons lift, breast lift and breast implants. Maisie describes the surgery as "the most excruciating pain i've ever been through in my life". And most recently in 2024, Masie went back to Turkey to get her teeth done, which caused a lot of backlash online with people saying "are your teeth a joke?" and "I feel so sorry for her, the dentist should be shot".

Maisie says its like an addiction and she’s always thinking about what to get next. She has plans for a face lift, nose job and another breast augmentation.

Follow Maisie on TikTok @maisiesmith44 and Instagram @maisiesmith4


00:00Before my surgery, I weighed 266 pounds.
00:03I've lost 130 pounds and I've had a mummy makeover.
00:06I became obsessed with plastic surgery and I've spent thousands.
00:10Gastric sleeve, uplifting implants,
00:13Thylist, Botox,
00:14Lips and now I just can't stop.
00:16No pain, no gain.
00:18People hate my turkey teeth.
00:20Too big for your gobs, you can hardly talk.
00:22You've got ivory hunters chasing you.
00:25I'll get so many negative comments.
00:27You are not normal in the slightest.
00:29That looks so ugly, why would someone do that to herself?
00:32Just upsets me that I've got that big
00:35and I just didn't think that there was no way out.
00:37Today I'm going to my last lady, Billie's house.
00:40All the surgeries and stuff does freak me out a bit,
00:42like it really scares me.
00:44I'm not afraid of the risks.
00:45I'm a risk taker.
00:47After I had my twins,
00:49it was the night feeds and the late night eating
00:52that would make me put on the weight.
00:53There was just no stopping point.
00:54I used to eat whole 60 pound Chinese
00:57and one time I even ordered 12 donuts in a box
01:00and ate nine of them.
01:02It's given me PTSD even thinking about them.
01:04I think I was so unhappy with the way I was
01:07and food was just my comfort,
01:09but food obviously was the worst enemy.
01:12I knew what I was doing to myself,
01:14but I just couldn't stop.
01:15So it was basically just killing me,
01:17but making me happy for a split second.
01:20My knees started to crack
01:21when I was walking up and down the stairs.
01:23My back started to go.
01:25I kept going to the doctors,
01:26asking them why my back was going,
01:28why I wasn't laid up in bed.
01:30Basically they told me it was
01:31because I'd put on so much weight.
01:32So then I started to look into weight loss surgery.
01:35You can have a gastric band,
01:37you can have a gastric sleeve,
01:38which is what I had.
01:39They remove about 80, 85% of your stomach.
01:42It is quite brutal.
01:44I think I had four incisions,
01:46keyhole it was,
01:47and they just pull your stomach out
01:48of one of the keyhole cups.
01:50No pain, no gain.
01:52Before my gastric sleeve surgery,
01:53I weighed 266 pounds.
01:56Two years later, I now weigh 130 pounds.
01:59After I lost my weight,
02:00I had excess skin.
02:02So I was looking around online
02:04to see where was the best place to go.
02:06Flew to Turkey on my own,
02:08had a mummy makeover.
02:09I had a 360 tummy tuck,
02:12which goes all the way around your torso at the bottom.
02:15The lower body lift,
02:16which they basically lifted me up
02:17like a little carrier bag.
02:19I had an FDL down the front,
02:21which goes all the way down
02:22and they pull you in,
02:23which is called a fleur de lis.
02:25I had uplift and implants and a Mons lift.
02:27After that, I felt like I was going to die.
02:30I even rang my mum and told her
02:32to make sure I had a glitter coffee.
02:34That was the most excruciating pain
02:36I've ever been through in my life.
02:38I got the bug for it.
02:39Then I flew back to Turkey six months later
02:42for a thigh lift.
02:43I then went back six months later for my teeth.
02:45I'm now looking to book the next thing.
02:48I'll get so many negative comments.
02:50You're such a cocky,
02:52see you next Tuesday.
02:53You are not normal in the slightest.
02:55That looks so ugly.
02:56Why would someone do that to herself?
02:58You only get people on fake profiles.
03:00I'll probably know half of them
03:01that wait about me.
03:02But why are you not saying it to me?
03:04Because if I had a problem with you,
03:05I'd say it to you.
03:06I wouldn't set up a fake TikTok
03:07to slug you off on there.
03:08It's pointless.
03:09It's embarrassing.
03:10I haven't changed as a person
03:12since I've changed my look.
03:13I'm still the same person.
03:14I've lost friends through losing weight.
03:16Don't ask me how, don't ask me why.
03:19They just don't talk to me anymore.
03:21It hurts my heart
03:22because I think,
03:22why am I not good enough for you now
03:24when I was good enough
03:25when I was 19 stone?
03:26Do you know what I mean?
03:29Just upsets me that I've got that big.
03:32And I just didn't think
03:33that there was no way out.
03:36But there is.
03:36It's always like at the end of the tunnel.
03:39I'm bettering myself.
03:40I'm trying to better myself
03:41and you're sat on a fake profile
03:43trying to give me stick.
03:44But I'll give as good as I get.
03:46So I see that you don't follow me
03:48but you're still following
03:49all of my progress
03:50on all of my videos
03:51and commenting so much
03:53back to me on every video.
03:54I hope it makes you sleep well at night.
03:56Jealousy stinks.
03:58Have a nice life.
04:00My mum worries a lot about me.
04:02But who wouldn't?
04:03I don't think I'd let my daughter
04:04do good to go and do it.
04:06The first time I went for my surgery
04:07everyone was sort of against it.
04:08They was worried.
04:09They was worried about me going abroad.
04:11For me, it was all or nothing.
04:13I either done that
04:14or I was going to end up dead.
04:15I think I would have carried on eating
04:16the way I was eating.
04:17It was not healthy for anyone.
04:19I am glad I've done it.
04:20It's the best thing I've ever done.
04:21Now they all know
04:23that it's fine where I go.
04:25That I've been there
04:26three, four times now.
04:27Do you know what I mean?
04:28So yeah, they are happy.
04:29They understand why I've done it.
04:31And they're happy for me.
04:32I flew to Turkey in March last year
04:37and then I uploaded my teeth
04:39onto TikTok.
04:40Just going out for dinner.
04:45And the hate I got was horrific.
04:47Oh, your teeth are joke.
04:48Can you mumble that past me again?
04:50Is there something wrong with your teeth?
04:52Too big for your gob.
04:53She can hardly talk.
04:55I feel so sorry for her.
04:56The dentist should be shocked.
04:58You're fit, but what in Lord Jesus Christ
05:00is going on with your Rylans?
05:01You've got ivory hunters chasing you.
05:04I think I've got 15 million views
05:05over three videos.
05:07Yeah, it was a good play day.
05:09The teeth was just a practical joke.
05:11And now I've actually had them done.
05:13So the surgeries all in all
05:14were 20,000 just over.
05:16I get Botox.
05:17I've had my eyebrows tattooed on, obviously.
05:20I'll get my lips done.
05:21The procedures I'll get weekly
05:22are around £150 that can give or take.
05:25That doesn't include clothes.
05:27So this is a dress that I had
05:30when I was £266, which was tight.
05:34As you can see, very big.
05:36Compared to now after I've lost all my weight,
05:40we have one that is considerably smaller.
05:43I love all my clothes.
05:44I love a two piece.
05:45I love all my gym sets.
05:47I've got every gym set you can imagine.
05:49I just can't stop.
05:50So these are parcels
05:52that obviously I haven't worn yet.
05:54I bought this for a white party,
05:56but I didn't go.
05:57But it's still in the bag.
05:58Still not worn.
05:59We've got bags here
06:00that I haven't even opened.
06:02Not normal, is it?
06:04Oh, look, that one's stunning.
06:06If I see something and I don't buy it
06:07and I like it,
06:08I'll have a sleepless night over it.
06:09I have got another wardrobe.
06:10Do you want to see it?
06:11So I funded my crazy lifestyle
06:13through social media.
06:15I started off with my pyjama business
06:17Pyjama Princess.
06:18That paid for my gastric sleeve.
06:20When I went out for my gastric sleeve,
06:22I set up a TikTok account
06:23to blog the good, the bad and the ugly.
06:25And I think that's what people liked to see.
06:27That's where the money started rolling in.
06:29So that funded my other surgeries.
06:32And then now I've got my tanning business as well.
06:34And there you go.
06:34That's what funds everything.
06:36Today, I'm going to my lash lady,
06:37Billie's house to get my weekly infill.
06:39I'll go there every week to get a top up.
06:41I like trying to look my best
06:43after my mummy makeover.
06:45All the surgeries and stuff
06:46does freak me out a bit.
06:47Like it really scares me,
06:49especially over the past few years
06:50since it's become sort of popular
06:52for people to sort of go and get things done.
06:55It does scare me.
06:55I like feeling good now
06:57because where I've felt vile
06:59for all these years,
07:00like I've been on a diet since I was 15.
07:02Like now I can put makeup on and feel nice.
07:06Whereas I used to put makeup on
07:07and try and contour 42 chins.
07:09Do you know what I mean?
07:10Like it's just,
07:11there's no getting away from them.
07:13Now I don't worry about surgeries at all.
07:16Nothing fazes me anymore.
07:17Put me on a slab,
07:18put the anaesthetic in me,
07:19I'm away.
07:20My hopes for the future
07:21are to make loads of money.
07:24I know money doesn't make you happy.
07:26Money will never make me happy.
07:28I want to be comfortable.
07:29I don't want people to worry around me
07:30about money.
07:32I want a facelift next,
07:33a nose job and another boob job.
07:36It's never going to stop, is it?
07:38What can you do?
07:46What can you do?
07:48What can you do?
