台湾护照为何是绿色? 与宗教无关但跟这原因有关!#生活篇 | 懂来做莫 Ep34

  • 7 months ago
▌懂来做莫 ▌#34 如果说多数选用绿色护照的都是穆斯林为主的国家,那为何台湾也是绿色?原来有这种说法……

主持 | @Celes 美伶

#台湾 #绿色护照 #护照颜色 #穆斯林
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹


00:00 Most Muslim-based countries will choose green as their passport cover
00:04 But the question is
00:05 Why don't Muslim-based Taiwan also use green as their passport cover?
00:08 It's okay if you don't understand, it's useless if you do
00:10 Understand it and do it
00:11 We did a video on passport color in the past
00:14 Someone asked
00:14 Why do some non-Muslim countries or regions
00:17 choose green as their passport cover?
00:19 One way to put it is
00:20 countries with divided or blurred sovereignty
00:22 will also choose green
00:24 For example, Taiwan,
00:24 Vietnam and South Korea in the early days
00:26 and East and West Germany before the unification in the 1990s
00:28 all used green as their passport cover
00:30 South Korea started using green as their passport cover in 1988
00:32 During that time, some people were dissatisfied
00:34 that South Korea is not a Muslim country
00:35 and it doesn't comply with the national flag
00:37 so the UN asked for a change of color
00:39 But after the change of color to dark blue in 2020
00:41 some South Koreans still didn't pay the bill
00:42 and were dissatisfied with the use of blue
00:44 In addition,
00:44 the West African countries including Nigeria,
00:48 Nigeria,
00:48 Côte d'Ivoire and Senegal
00:50 also use green as their passport cover
00:52 What other unknown cold facts do you want to know?
00:54 Let's talk in the comments
00:55 (swoosh)
00:57 you
