Oil Painting Techniques

  • last month
This video showcases basic oil painting techniques that are useful for beginners to understand.

- Frottis
- Texture
- Aerial perspective
- Saturation
- Complementarity
- Reduced palettes

The featured paintings depicting Saharan topics are from a personal collection.

#oilpainting #paintingforbeginners #paintingtutorial #paintingworkshop #paintingclass #paintingart
00:00Painting Techniques
00:11Fratas, painting with an almost dry brush on a dry layer of paint,
00:15without completely covering this ladder. It is a key technique for creating chromatic
00:20textures which can produce better results on a layer of paint which has a texture with volume.
00:30Fratas serves also as a finish technique for creating smooth transitions between chromatic
00:35areas. Sharp borders or tones which change abruptly can be smoothened through the technique
00:41of fratas. Diversity of texture can enhance the realism of paintings by applying particular
00:54textures, either flat or with volume, on different painting areas which then acquire
00:58their own personality. A variety of finish effects on the painting surface can help in
01:09highlighting the separation between the different depth planes. In a painted landscape, the areas
01:15with a greater texture seem to be closer to the viewer. Aerial perspective can transmit
01:27the feeling of distance by highlighting the separation between the different depth planes.
01:33Different techniques can be combined to achieve and enhance this effect.
01:42As distance increases, the different colors are proportionally desaturated or cooled by
01:47adding the required amounts of gray or blue to them. The effect of distance is achieved
01:52also by proportionally reducing the contrast and the level of detail of the elements located
01:57in the distant planes. Saturation is the intensity that any given color has.
02:09The saturation of a color is reduced by mixing that color with gray.
02:14A methodical process of desaturation can enhance the realism or alter the mood of a painting.
02:20Complementarity increases the chromatic contrast between areas of different chromaticism.
02:26Each color has a complementary color, which produces the maximum chromatic contrast
02:30when both colors are adjacent. Reduced palettes allow to create a painting with a more harmonious
02:46and personal chromaticism. They allow to avoid chromatic dissonances and focus on the
02:53formal aspects of the painting without getting lost in a swarm of colors.
03:06The most basic color palette comprises three colors, black, white and a third color of our
03:11choice. Palettes of four, five or six colors are a good choice for a great range of painting
03:17techniques, styles and themes.
